Friday, June 7, 2013


New Dauber Case Templates are coming!  I have finished most of them.  And I have expanded the offerings by adding new colored grid options to the templates!  See the pic at left.

However, I am in a bit of a quandary as to how to finish the In Color, etc. Grids and my indecision is delaying the template releases.  Many of the In Colors have moved to the Core Colors including all of the 11-13 except Lucky Limeade.  Plus the Shimmer Paints have retired. 

So I am asking everyone for their opinions on how they should be done.  Should I remove the Shimmer Paints or leave them in for another year for those who still have them?  Should I remove the In Colors that moved to Core Colors - especially 11-13?  This would leave a lot more blank room for future years.  I could move Lucky Limeade to the "Other" row as there is one blank space there as (shown where it could go on the right of this grid).  The grids currently begin with 10-12 In Colors. 

Please share in the comments section or email me at  I would LOVE to hear your opinions!

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  1. Or, you could leave them open so the person can customize how it would work best for them. I personally would put the core colors by color collection. And for the In Colors, I'd put what In Colors (that had not been moved to a core color) were left including the shimmer paints. Just my humble opinion.
    Kim S.

  2. I can certainly appreciate your dilemma, Marie. This is an awesome tool and you want it to work for everyone.
    I suggest removing the duplicated colors. If they became a core color, don't include them on the 2nd template.
    Moving Lucky Limeade over is a good idea.
    You will end up with only 2 In Color columns, but over the next couple years, they will fill in again.
    Since you have the empty spots, I would leave the shimmer paints. They could be removed later as you run out of room.
    You have done a great job! Thanks for doing this.

  3. I like each of the options you shared....easier with your ideas. Thank you!


Thank you for blessing me with your comments! I truly appreciate each and every one. Have a fabulous day!

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