I just received this Kreativ Blogger award from Cindy aka "Lucie" at luciesfloozies. Wahoo - my first Blog Award! Thank you so very much Lucie!!
To accept the award I have to do a few things:
- Thank the person who nominated me for this award.
- Copy the logo and place it on my blog.
- Link the person who nominated me for this award.
- Name seven things about me that people might find interesting.
- Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.
- Post links to the seven blogs that I nominate.
- Leave comments on all seven blogs letting them know I nominated them.
1. I was a child bride. Well, almost - that's what I like to tell my husband! I was 18 when I got married right out of high school and then 19 when I had my first daughter who is now 27. Still together 28 years later though - much to my MIL's surprise. :D
2. I love to read - both books and audio books. I love to listen to them while I'm stamping! I have a LOT of books, but mostly I am a library junkie with a very long list of holds waiting for me at all times!
3. I love all types of crafts and tend to be interested in/easily obsessed with them in phases - knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, painting, T-shirt painting and many more. But papercrafting is my first art/crafts love and has been going strong for almost 15 years!
4. I am also a Longaberger consultant who loves her baskets and pottery and use them EVERY day!
5. I spent 20 years as a Navy wife and lived in most of the states on the Eastern seaboard. Unfortunately that is the only traveling I've done, but am hopeful that when we are empty nesters for good that we can finally do a lot of it - especially to Italy!
6. I have a new Stampin' Studio! I am so thrilled to have a crafting space all to myself for the first time. It's small and cannot accommodate classes with more than 2-3 people, but it's all mine! :D
7. Much to everyone's surprise and my family's disappointment, I did not go and finish college right out of high school. Despite graduating in the top 2% of the country, I just wasn't interested at the time. I wanted to be a mom and teach nursery school. But, I did finally go back and finish an Associates in Business 2 years ago (4.0!) and will be continuing work on my Bachelor's at UVA soon. I am not trying to brag! School is the one place I always excelled at and the only thing very interesting about me! LOL
Here are the blogs I am nominating:
Here are my nominee's:
Tanis - All That Rubbish
Elizabeth - Elizabeth's Craft Room
Jackie - Kreate With Me 2
Ann - Creative Antics
Lynn - Confessions of a Left-Brained Stamper
LaLatty - LaLatty's Stamp 'N Stuff
Vera - Vera Stamps
Thanks so much for nominating me Marie! I really appreciate it!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the nomination, Marie. I think my favorite part of these awards is reading the interesting facts =) I can so relate to the library holds list and the different crafts!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Marie! Your blog is certainly deserving of this award! Blessings to you!